We are a global IT company

We provide full range of services in IT-industry all over the world.

О нас

We are a young IT company registered in 2023, consisting of enthusiasts in their business. Despite our recent market entry, our employees are experienced specialists, each in their own field. Rich previous experience of development, participation in a large number of various projects gives us the confidence that our specialists with the highest quality and efficiency can perform the project of any complexity.

Restrictions, imposed by heads of many companies in IT-industry, do not allow their employees to develop and go beyond the corporate rules and regulations, which often affects the quality and capabilities of developed projects, pulling them back in technical terms. It is always easier to go the beaten path than to spend time exploring new ways. But that's of no interest to us. We are a team of enthusiasts who gathered in one place in order to abolish all restrictions and rely only on our experience, intellect and creativity, going beyond the commonplace, habits and corporate rules. This allows us to look at the principles of development from an unconventional point of view, and we are ready to take any, even the most complex, task with individual needs and solve it as efficiently as possible. We are the inventors of new approaches and practices in IT services.

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Who we serve

  • Businesses

    If you're the owner of a small or large business - we can help you to solve your tasks. Workplace automation systems, production software development, security systems modernization and development, cloud solutions for medium and large businesses - this is what we love and can do.

  • Software and web development companies

    We can help you develop a marketing strategy, advertising campaign and bring your product to market.

  • Individual clients

    Even for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses we can offer a full range of services in software development, marketing and project promotion on the web

Map of our services

Technologies used

  • Back-end and programming languages
  • Interface languages and frameworks
  • DevOps: containerization, automation, monitoring
  • Databases

Let's discuss your project