3 Reasons Why You Need a Facebook Landing Page


A facebook page can be a great way to promote your company. A facebook page can be used to build your fan base and to share content which can be used to divert traffic to your website and to engage your readers. But one thing you shouldn’t forget, when you create your facebook page is to craft a landing page. In fact it’s one of the first thing’s you should do.

A facebook landing page is the attractive page you see when you visit good landing pages. This is the default page that non-fans visit when they visit a page. There are many benefits of having a facebook landing page.

3 of the main benefits of having a facebook landing page have been listed below:-

1. It helps create brands: When you have a facebook landing page, a new reader, who isn’t a fan, will always be directed to an attractive page instead of a boring looking wall. This page can be used to reflect what your company and you as a brand are all about. A good facebook tab can influence many of the millions of facebook users.

2. Increases likes: When a facebook user visits a page they are normally directed to the wall, but when you have a landing page they will always be directed to the landing page first. They will only be automatically directed to the wall when they have clicked the like button. This factor will dramatically increase the number of likes you will get. In fact there are split tests, like this one, that have proved that landing pages increase the number of likes.

Liking a facebook tab can be a big deal for some facebook users. What they like shows up in their news feeds and their walls. Their friends are going to see this. Therefore, the user will want to like it only if it’s worth it.

Another advantage of having visitors click on this like button is that, this like can lead to many other likes. Once it shows up in their news feed, their friends will want to visit your page and when they do they might like your landing tab and they will like it too. This will help increase your fan base.

Note: Non-fans can also see your wall, but they will have to do this after they visit the landing page, it doesn’t happen automatically.

3. Creates a first impression: You normally have 5 to 30 seconds to make a good first impression. Many people judge you by your first impression. After this first 5 to 30 seconds it will be hard to change what they think of you. Normally when you meet a person face to face you make a first impression with your manners, your smile, your handshake and how you behave overall.

It’s the same with your facebook page you need to make a first impression with a good landing page. A good landing page will definitely help you make a better impression than a common wall.

So make sure you create a good facebook landing tab if you haven’t already got one.

Have you found facebook landing pages useful? Have you found any other advantages of using facebook landing tabs? Could you please share them in the comments below?

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