Comprehensive data protection solutions

Take a broad look at the security problem.

Security is a complex measure involving many aspects

Data in any business is a product of the highest value. The problem of your business security is not only the resistance to hacking of a certain product, server or premises.

It is a complex problem, which, among other things, includes certain rules of conduct and interaction of staff, the use of secure tools, current protection against a variety of threats, the culture of use of software products, equipment and other similar aspects. It is not enough to focus only on cyber protection from external threats, it is also necessary to pay attention to possible internal leaks.

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What needs to be done to improve safety

  1. A culture of use and collaboration

    Make sure your staff understand the principles of secure data use. Our cybersecurity engineers will give lectures and seminars to your employees.

  2. Local security policies

    Audit every workstation and terminal. We'll audit and make the appropriate settings on workstations, minimizing or eliminating the possible impact of human error.

  3. Development of specialized software

    Rest assured that all measures have been taken. Attackers do not sleep and are 24/7 looking for opportunities to illegally access and steal data storages. We'll create a software package for you or help you upgrade your existing one to meet the highest security standards.

  4. Audit of existing products

    Our hacking experts, so-called "white hackers", will find all vulnerabilities and weak points, and system administrators will fix the settings of your software and network equipment to obtain the necessary protection.

  5. Constant monitoring of the situation

    Our security engineers study on a daily basis the situations in which the intruders penetrate into protected environments, as well as the new trends in security. Thus, we always keep our finger on the pulse of current trends and technologies. This constant monitoring allows us to upgrade or reconfigure your system in the shortest possible time, which will also help avoid the situation when your system is outdated and cannot provide an adequate level of protection.

  6. Cloud solutions

    One of the major solutions for improving the protection of your business is cloud solutions. A pre-built, tested and constantly modified storage environment for your data will give you peace of mind, the ability to turn your attention to the important stuff instead of worrying about valuable data. In many cases, migrating to the cloud will increase your ability to protect your products and valuables many times over, while also reducing or eliminating the possibility of human error altogether.

Let's discuss your project