Software testing

Testing is one of the most important steps before the release of your product.

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Why testing is necessary

Does your software work correctly? Is the interface convenient and easy to use? Does the application or service adequately perform the tasks that were set for it? Our team of testers can answer these questions.

No one is completely immune to possible errors. Even industry monsters like Goggle, Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Nvidia and others with a huge staff of high-level specialists are not immune to errors and human factor and periodically release different "patches" and updates for their software.

Testing is the last frontier before a project enters the release phase. To confirm the high quality of a released product, it must be thoroughly tested to identify bugs and inaccuracies, and to determine the degree of usability and intuitiveness of the interface.

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Stages of product testing

  • The transfer of the product to the testing team, a preliminary study of the functionality and features.
  • User interface analysis and assessment, report generation and quality assessment.
  • Functionality and feature testing.
  • Generating reports on bugs encountered and sending in information about necessary bug fixes.
  • Final testing of the product after making corrections.

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